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    Цената е со вклучен ДДВ
    19.470,00 RSD

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    product description
  • Description::Foldable, electric dryer for laundry with double function: Drying laundry natural circulation of warm air. Space heating in a collapsed state. The drying rate: 30 to 120 min, depending on the type of laundry. If you are not in a hurry, you can Dryer do i bezupotrebe heater. Suitability for the summer period. Capacity: one load of washing machines or 10,2m useful prostirne length. Consumption: 1.8 kWh for one hour drying. Easy to install on a "do it yourself". The dimensions of the folded state of 0.5 x 0.7 x 1.0 m. Five-year warranty for technical accuracy.
  • Availability:Contact
  • company profile

    ELDI Corporation Ltd.

    • Company introduction:Eldi corporation founded in 1991. in Nis. The company name is contained and the direction of our activity and that is electronics to Households and Industry. The problem that inspired the idea and brought it to its realization is the electric power system of the country which has ogranipčene capacities, which were not increased for a long time and not properly maintained. This situation has led to the collapse of the energy system and restrictions on the distribution of energy throughout the country. From this situation was also conceived the idea that all household and industrial consumers who are responsible for this situation, replace the consumers of the same type but with greater energy and operational efficiency. And persistent scientific work in the end we come to such innovations that will meet their basic functions, and that became the basis of the production programs LLC Corporations ELDI. In the framework of our program innovations and patents founders and owners engineer of electronics Mr. Milorad Rancic.
    • Contact Person Name:Milorad Rančić
    • Address:ul. Ljubićska 20
    • Post Code:18000
    • city:Niš , Serbia
    • Geo Location:Show
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