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Calorimeter SONOCAL

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product description
  • Description::Calorimeter is an electronic device designed for calculating the thermal energy consumption in heated buildings connected to the district heating system.

    Can be ultrasonic or electromagnetic. Used to measure incoming and outgoing temperatures are used the temperature probe with the a temperature sensor.

    Depending on the number of inputs, calorimeter to read: incoming and outgoing temperature of the heating system, current and total flow of hot water, as well as the current strength and the consumed heat energy.

    The device is based on modern microcontrollers, which gives speed and high-accuracy measurements.

    The function of the device is to count the pulses and to measure the temperature of the incoming and outgoing branch pipelines. Based on the results, calculates all the parameters necessary for the follow-up of heat.

    As a rule, has a communication port (RS-232, USB ...) that allows you to connect local devices in a single network, which enables remote control and monitoring, and remote consumption reading. Depending on your needs can also be connected to other communication systems (GSM terminal, radio modem, optical interface, ...)

    The second number in the label size is the flow in m3 / h.
    Komlplet calorimeter consists of a body calorimeter, computer units, two of temperature probes, sleeves for temperature-probe.
    Calorimeters are battery powered and can be mounted on the return. Shelf life is 8 to 10 years.
  • Availability:Contact
  • Company:Expont d.o.o
  • company profile

    Expont d.o.o

    • Company introduction:Expont d.o.o je trgovinsko preduzeće iz Beograda specijalizovano za promet opreme za grejanje i vodovod, osnovano 1992 godine. Nalazimo se u ulici Vojvode Stepe 153, na placu od 1100 m2, i halom od 250 m2. Pored maloprodaje u ulici Kumodraska 55 imamo još četiri maloprodaje. U sastavu privrednog društva Expont je proizvodno preduzeće Mip Livnica iz Ćuprije osnovano 1970. godine. Mip Livnica kao deo Exponta je jedini srpski proizvođač armature od sivog liva. Pored starog proizvodnog programa koji obuhvata odbojne klapne, hvatače nečistoće, kondenz lonce, usisne korpe i sl. sa 87 zaposlenih Mip danas lije i proizvodi ravno zaporne ventile, nepovratne ventile, leptir ventile, ventile sigurnosti sa tegom i oprugom, dvodelne loptaste slavine, prirubnice i ostalu prirubničku armaturu za podstanice. Preduzeće Expont preko svoje veleprodaje snabdeva trgovine, više od 700 izvođačkih firmi, od toplotne podstanice, primara i sekundara, preko cevnog razvoda pa sve do kućnih instalacija grejanja i vodovoda. Roba se isporučuje uz validan atest i garanciju, u šta su se uverile JKP Beogradske, Novosadske i ostale toplane, TE Kolubara, Kostolac i Obrenovac. Naš prioritet su mnogobrojni izvođači termo-tehničkih i vodovodnih instalacija , uz koje se preduzeće Expont razvilo, i napredovalo na srpskom tržištu. Za dugogodišnje saradnike kao i nove a korektne saradnike naše preduzeće je uvek spremno da u najkraćem roku, uz dobre cene kao i posebne rabatne skale dopremi opremu na gradilište.
    • Contact Person Name:Goran Razumenić
    • Address:Vojvode Stepe br. 153
    • Post Code:11000
    • city:Beograd , Serbia
    • Cell Phone #:+381 60 641 68 32
    • Telephone #:+381 11 398 20 22
    • Fax #:www.expont.rs
    • Geo Location:Show


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