Electric boilers wall mounted - TK 18kW with excerpts on the right
- product description
- company profile
product description
Description::Electric boilers type TK designed for central heating of buildings, apartments, offices. These boilers are small in size which makes them suitable for the placement and installation in any part of the building. For easy connection to a hydraulic system, working with the connectors on the top or on the sides - left and right. Small, innovative technical solutions and a choice of ports on either side of the boiler allow for easy carrying heating network with them as the only source of energy or easily combine with other sources of energy, for example. solid fuel fired boiler. Turning the heater is indirectly, through a silent relay or contactor, resulting in extremely quiet operation of the boiler and thus a high level of comfort in the living space. The use of proven components, superior quality and long experience in the manufacture of electric boilers guarantee a reliable and safe operation as well as a long service life.
company profile
- Company introduction:Firma MIKOTERM je osnovana 1994. godine kao privatno preduzeće za proizvodnju opreme za grejanje. Osnovni proizvod je bio i do danas ostao električni kotao. Vremenom je proizvodnja kotlova usavršavana i proširena novim modelima i drugim proizvodima iz oblasti upravljanja grejanjem i solarnom opremom. Primena novih tehnologija, želja za usavršavanjem proizvoda i inovacijama dovela nas je u sam vrh proizvođača opreme za grejanje. Od osnivanja do danas prvi uslov je bio i ostao kvalitet postojećih - razvoj novih tehnologija. Zahvaljujući takvom načinu rada naši proizvodi su vrlo brzo stekli poverenje kupaca, a nova tehnička rešenja su nas izdvajala od konkurencije.
- Contact Person Name:MIkoterm
- Address:Sinđelićeva 4, Niska Banja
- Post Code:18205
- city:Niš , Serbia
- Cell Phone #:018/3409702
- Telephone #:+381 (18) 45 42 002
- Fax #:018/3409703
- Geo Location:Show