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Electric boiler block with a processor-controlled eTRONICA 7000

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product description
  • Description::In front of you is a boiler that was developed for the German company Robert Bosch. The entire development was done by a local company MIKOTERM LLC from Niš, which is the manufacturer of this modela.Uredjaj is one of the most advanced on the market. Boiler management is performed via the CPU and the large LCD display. The processing unit due to its capabilities, provides monitoring of all essential characteristics of the boiler and the heating system. This has provided a safe and long-lasting operation. LCD display allows clear and precise adjustment of vital parameters of the device. Setting the maximum simplified through four soft touch buttons. Over the CPU can be monitored during operation of each heater individually as well as the entire device. The operating mode can be set to normal mode and anti-freeze. Accurate design provided a very easy operation repairers and installers. Maximum is simplified determination of possible errors and their correction. As far as the boiler is designed processor control and mechanical protection. The device has 4 degrees of protection. It also has alarms and warnings if some parameters are in critical values​​.
  • Availability:Contact
  • Company:MIKOTERM DOO
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    • Company introduction:Firma MIKOTERM je osnovana 1994. godine kao privatno preduzeće za proizvodnju opreme za grejanje. Osnovni proizvod je bio i do danas ostao električni kotao. Vremenom je proizvodnja kotlova usavršavana i proširena novim modelima i drugim proizvodima iz oblasti upravljanja grejanjem i solarnom opremom. Primena novih tehnologija, želja za usavršavanjem proizvoda i inovacijama dovela nas je u sam vrh proizvođača opreme za grejanje. Od osnivanja do danas prvi uslov je bio i ostao kvalitet postojećih - razvoj novih tehnologija. Zahvaljujući takvom načinu rada naši proizvodi su vrlo brzo stekli poverenje kupaca, a nova tehnička rešenja su nas izdvajala od konkurencije.
    • Contact Person Name:MIkoterm
    • Address:Sinđelićeva 4, Niska Banja
    • Post Code:18205
    • city:Niš , Serbia
    • Cell Phone #:018/3409702
    • Telephone #:+381 (18) 45 42 002
    • Fax #:018/3409703
    • Geo Location:Show


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