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Infograf-Goti d.o.o.

  • Company introduction:" INFOGRAF - GOTI " doo is a company engaged in import and distribution of IT products. It was created by merging firms ' Infograf Computer " , founded in 1992. year . in Loznica and " GOTI Computers" , established in 2001. in Novi Sad. Company " INFOGRAF - GOTI ," today is engaged in import brands : Orink , Toten , Tenda , XL - Scan , Eacan , Winstars , Green Conection , Deep Cool. Apart from these we are distributing world famous brands such as HP, Epson , the Canon, Microsoft, Lenovo , HP , Intel , AMD and others . Net production in China and branding is the result of our long-standing cooperation with Chinese business partner . Titled " IG Max" import and distribute power supplies and enclosures for computers. "Craft " produce keyboards , mice , webcams and headsets . Company " IFOGRAF - GOTI ," it's annual turnover of IT products and services is one of the largest computer companies in the territory of Vojvodina . With great respect and esteem we have built long-term cooperation and a partnership with all the major companies in the area of ​​distribution of computers in Serbia . The good partnership map the we and our customers are our best brand today . For more information about us and the products we import and distribute , please visit our Retail Online Shop at: www.info - graf.co.rs Wholesale b2b portal at www.info - graf.co.rs / b2b . Sincerely , Vlado Sredojevic dir .
  • Contact Person Name:Vlado Sredojević, Duško Marković
  • Address:Temerinska 20
  • Post Code:21000
  • city:Novi Sad , Serbia
  • Year registered:1992
  • Total employees:15
  • Anual sales:2500000
  • Export percentage:2
  • Geo Location:Show



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Profile complete75.00%
Number of products11
Member since16 Jan, 2015
Last activity13:17:32 , 08 Apr, 2014


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