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Creatine - Creatine Fuel Powder / 300 g

Creatine - Creatine Fuel Powder / 300 g

Цената е со вклучен ДДВ
1.320,00 RSD

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product description
  • Description::Effects of creatine monohydrate on the body - Accelerate the increase of muscle mass and achieve muscle definition - Increases energy, strength and stamina - Speeds up the process of weight loss - Speeds up the process of recovery after intense training and physical stress - Reduces fatigue - Ideal supplement for vegetarians who do not get enough food
  • Availability:Contact
  • Company:LAMA D.O.O.
  • company profile

    LAMA D.O.O.

    • Company introduction:Lama Ltd. Belgrade is engaged in import and distribution of dietary and sports supplements and represents leading companies in this field : Twinlab , Supreme Protein , Nutrabolics , Muscle Pharm , Syntrax , Bodymaxx . Our product range includes hundreds of different items , including: vitamins , minerals , herbal products , proteins, finished beverages , amino acids, preparations for slimming and specialized products for athletes. The products we offer are used most famous sports teams in almost every sport , then the team in water polo, volleyball , football, basketball, rugby, swimming , cycling, martial arts , track and field Olympic and Paralympic teams . We also work with many fitness clubs , gyms , doctors' offices , pharmacies and health food stores . In the market we are present since 1994. years and we have a leading position in what we do . Retail in our shops in Belgrade and supply almost all the shops of dietary supplements in Belgrade, Novi Sad, Subotica , Nis and other cities in Serbia and the neighboring countries.
    • Contact Person Name:Lama
    • Address:Makedonska 30/1
    • Post Code:11000
    • city:Beograd , Serbia
    • Geo Location:Show
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