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Brahmi oil

Brahmi oil

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product description
  • Description::Brahmi is the best herb for rejuvenation of brain cells of the nervous system. It is very popular among students and business people because it improves memory and concentration, increases alertness and intelligence. Since reduces the effects of stress, nervousness and anxiety, it is extremely useful for people who are studying or working in jobs where important clearness and clarity of mind, as well as efficiency in stressful situacijama.Brahmi increases the power of the mind, improves all mental aspects, including perception, memory, and memory . Often used to release and prevention of stress and anxiety because it increases the ability to effectively solve problems, and contains triterpenoid substances - aziatikozide involved in the transmission of nerve impulses in the cortex. For centuries, is used as an energy tonic and an aphrodisiac.
    Brahmi is stimulating, so it increases blood flow, improves oxygenation of tissues and organs. The largest part of the published papers agrees to act by causing an increase in blood sugar, and is known to the whole range of problems (fatigue, headache, bad mood) occur as a result of hypoglycaemia. It is also an excellent source of B-complex vitamins involved in the mechanism of conversion of food into energy.
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    Cortex Labs d.o.o.

    • Company introduction:PRIMED products are high quality and effective products organic composition. Primary care medicine is the name of which was inspired by the priority that these products need to have in maintaining health. The primary method for the treatment of some diseases is acting on the root of the problem. We Cortex Labs, we believe that healthy habits and a healthy diet in the first place and a priority in the prevention but also during treatment of various diseases.
    • Contact Person Name:Stanko Nikolic
    • Address:Gostivarska 78
    • Post Code:11000
    • city: ,
    • Telephone #:011 3910 187


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