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cognac - Louis XIII by Remy Martin

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product description
  • Description::Remy Martin Louis XIII uses only grapes from the Grande Champagne region of Cognac, which guarantees the uniqueness and exclusivity of quality. It is mixed with eaux de vie that are more than a century, and then matures in barrels of 42 gallons that are old and after a few hundred years ago, in basements that are saved only for them.

    Without a doubt this exceptional Cognac has always been popular in the world of celebrities, including politicians, fashion or art. From renowned mention Christian Dior, Elton John, Queen Elizabeth II, which is Servia cognac Remy Martin Louis XIII Grande Champagne at Versailles castle in honor of her visit to France in 1957, and Vilstona Churchill who celebrated his victory in 1951 along this cognac. His dark gold color with a touch of mahogany obljesaka is very elegant in itself.

    The scent of this cognac is also complex, so that we can first smell of narcissus, jasmine, curry, saffron, fragrant nutmeg, and passion fruit, then dotting smells like violets, iris, litchi, pineapple, eucalyptus and sandalwood.

    Taste is also a complex and so initially very concentrated flavor and rich aroma, warm and harmonious. Then the feel of complex flavor of said composition in the first and second fragrances. Long ending that lasts for one hour.
  • Availability:Contact
  • Company:Videx Group
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    Videx Group

    • Company introduction:Videx Group je osnovan 1989. godine u Beogradu. Na početku svog poslovanja kompanija se bavila međunarodnom trgovinom različite robe. 1995. godine kompanija je započela poslovanje sa alkoholnim pićima. U tom trenutku Videx Group je bila prva firma koja se ozbiljno bavila uvozom i distribucijom alkoholnih pića u našoj zemlji. Videx Group posluje na teritorijama Srbije, Crne Gore i Makedonije i na svim ovim teritorijama ima zasebne firme. Danas je Videx Group jedan od najvećih uvoznika alkoholnih pića i zastupa brojne svetski poznate kompanije. Među njima su: Bacardi Martini, Remy Cointreau, Beam Global, Eurocermex, Lucas Bols, Segafredo Zaneti, Baron Philippe De Rothschild i mnoge druge. Pored širokog spektra alkoholnih pića u svom portfoliju Videx Group takođe ima i espresso kafu, kafe aparate i ugostiteljsku opremu. Takođe Videx Group se bavi još i poslovima uvoza i izvoza, špedicije, međunarodnog transporta i marketinga.
    • Contact Person Name:Igor Baranac
    • Address:Djuriceva 26
    • Post Code:11000
    • Telephone #:381112403623
    • Fax #:381112403619
    • Geo Location:Show


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