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iPhone 4S SlimArmor (metal slate, gunmetal, champagne gold, smooth white)

  • iPhone 4S SlimArmor (metal slate, gunmetal, champagne gold, smooth white)

    Цената е со вклучен ДДВ
    1.990,00 RSD 390,04 RSD

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  • Description::Slim Armor Case for iPhone 4S is specially designed to protect the product from all angles. TPU case has improved shock absorption at the top, bottom and in the corners to effectively protect the
    iPhone 4S from external influence. SlimArmor the two-layer and consists of a TPU and a polycarbonate layer of the hard
    layer in order to provide improved protection. Case perfect fit the iPhone 4S for a natural and elegant look, a hole for the speaker is specially designed to fully exploit the speaker without sacrificing quality. Polycarbonate middle layer has a gloss UV coating to prevent color fading, or be removed by rubbing. SlimArmor is designed to emphasize the shape and style of the iPhone 4S.
    Thin and perfectly tailored for the Galaxy S4.
    Two-tone high-gloss.
    TPU case with layered polycarbonate middle layer for extra durability.
  • Availability:Online
  • Company:Medisana
  • Minimum Order Quantity:1
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    • Company introduction:Medisana Trade finds, distributes and development of innovative healthcare and products that are not only effective, but also affordable at a price. We have gained a reputation for vendors of products that are extremely good for customers and good quality. When we consider some potential new products we want to know that they are really efekasni as they look to their affordable price and actually offer value for money.
    • Contact Person Name:Nada
    • Address:Jevrejska 13
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    Average rating:
    3.5 of 5.0 (1 ratings total)

    Price VAT Included:1.990,00 RSD 390,04 RSD

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