Prerada drveta 15
- product description
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product description
Description::U našoj poslovnoj jedinici u Leskovcu pored servisa za viljuškare takođe se bavimo rezanjem bukovog drveta . Pilana je opremljena mašinama koje uz stručnost zaposlenih mogu da izađu u susret i najzahtevnijim kupcima. Sve se radi po zahtevu kupaca. Naše drvne sortimente koriste i sa kvalitetom su upoznati kupci iz Italije, Španije, Slovenije i Hrvatske.
Minimum Order Quantity:1
company profile
- Company introduction:"ABD KOMERC" DOO is a leading manufacturer of forklifts in Serbia, founded in 1993. It covers over 80% of the market. We are fully equipped to manufacture and service of electric and diesel forklifts. We service all types of electric and diesel forklifts that are present on the Serbian market. We service their parts and assemblies. We have a well equipped service with all the necessary tools and machines. The service work well trained mechanics and electricians specialize in repairs forklifts. Servicing also perform on the field. We have our own towing service which we transport services forklifts to the desired location.
- Contact Person Name:Dejan Nikolic
- Address:301 Nova 3
- Post Code:11 211
- city:Beograd , Serbia
- Cell Phone #: : Click here to see the phone number
- Telephone #: : Click here to see the phone number
- Geo Location:Show
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