Sheet Steel
- product description
- company profile
product description
Description::Sheet Steel
Category:Tiles & Accessories , Timber
company profile
- Company introduction:Company "UNIPROMET" d.o.o. was found in 1990. privately held family business company. The founder and the owner of the company is Mr. Milisav Novičić. Basic activities of the company are production and mounting of Road Restraint Systems. The company posseses a production workshop with modern equipment for production of metal products (cutting, shaping, cutting through, welding etc.). Basic production activities of »Unipromet« company are: Production and mounting of steel guardrails for roads according to EN 1317, RAL-RG-620, JUS U.S4.108, HRN U.S4.108, MAK U.S4.108, SODOC (all sorts and types) and also according to buyers specification Producing and mounting of wire guardrail fences Producing and mounting of bridge guardrails Production of cold formed steel beams Blocks in dividing zones for protecting from lights which are coming from the opposite direction Production of cold rolled steel profiles Production of other products from range of tehnical possibilities of the company Our products and mounting teams are present on markets of SERBIA, MONTENEGRO, BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA, CROATIA, SLOVENIA, MACEDONIA, GERMANY, ITALY, FRANCE, TURKEY...
- Contact Person Name:Miloš Cvetić
- Post Code:32000
- city:Čačak , Serbia
- Telephone #: : Click here to see the phone number
- Geo Location:Show
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