Self-supporting gates
- product description
- company profile
product description
Description::Self-supporting – cantilever gates are ideal solution especially on places where is high transit frequency, as light and heavy traffic. The most important difference from the conventional system with the bottom rail mounted in the base and wheels that glide over it in the fact all of that with “self-supporting” system avoided. Self-supporting gate is placed between two posts. You get a completely clear pass without any obstacles and opportunities for demage of failure coused by transition of vechicles.This gate can be installed with or without a motor mechanism (depending on customer requirements). Gates are ideal for use in factories and workshops, public buildings, playgrounds and sports
Company:Legi Sistem
company profile
Legi Sistem
- Company introduction:Matična kompanija LEGI GmBH je osnovana 1949. godine u Moersu, u Nemačkoj. Potvrđena višedecenijskim uspešnim poslovanjem na području Evropske Unije LEGI GmBH otvara 2005. godine predstavništvo u Beogradu pod imenom LEGI SGS d.o.o. koja postaje zastupnik za zemlje regiona: Hrvatsku, Bosnu i Hercegovinu, Crnu Goru, Makedoniju, Bugarsku, Rumuniju, a najvišim delom poslovanje obavlja na području Srbije. Naš širok asortiman čine proizvodi od specijalno obrađenog metala: ograde (plastificirane ograde, pocinkovane ograde...),kapije, pergole, paviljoni, lukovi, gabioni, parkirne rampe, jarboli, gazišta, kao i razne vrste žice i žicani proizvodi sa upotrebom u građevinarstvu. LEGI ogradni sistemi nalaze široku primenu u ograđivanju različitih eksterijera kao što su privatna domaćinstva, industrijski objekti, javna infrastruktura, parkovi, posedi od velike važnosti, poljoprivredna dobra. Posetite nas i uverite se zašto su naše plastificirane ograde jedne od najboljih na tržištu.
- Contact Person Name:Milena Milovanović
- Address:Novo Naselje 10,
- Post Code:11090
- city:Beograd , Serbia
- Cell Phone #:+381 (0)66 5455 006
- Telephone #:+381 11 8001 673
- Geo Location:Show