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product description
Description::insulation materials Fleecy materials (in bales or rolls) glass wool Rock wool ("Rokvul") Where to apply: The finish of the walls, floors and ceilings, and roofs Main advantages and disadvantages: Easy to install. Mana: For safe installation of the required PPE: gloves, mask / goggles for face Foamed materials: Foamed wool fiberglass polyurethane foam Where to apply: Open or inaccessible cavities in the walls, and a small cavity around the installation of pipes, windows, etc. ... Main advantages and disadvantages: Most commonly used to repair existing insulation (causing inaccessible cavities or holes of irregular shape) Board materials: Extruded polystyrene foam (XPS) Is expanded polystyrene foam (EPS) polyurethane foam Poly-iso-cyan-uratska foam cork Where applicable: the basement walls; As one of the layers of the outer walls; Non-ventilated roof construction of a small slope Main advantages and disadvantages: Highest insulating power compared to the layer thickness and the cost of all components. All types of boards are available with a large number of stocks, and are relatively inexpensive and easy to install. Mana: Care must be taken to placing these boards (especially in combination with PVC film) does not make a point of condensation, in which the moisture is collected and pour into the room below. foil: laminated paper Polyethylene film with air bubbles PVC plasticized card Where applicable: roofs, ceilings, floors, exterior walls ... Main advantages and disadvantages: inexpensive and easy to install. Disadvantages: The efficiency depends on the direction of heat flow. The possibility of unwanted condensation. Liquid insulators: perlite vermiculite Vaserdiht ... Where applicable: Not strictly intended for thermal insulation, but is often used in combination with other agents, especially when repairs to older homes. waterproofing Waterproofing is a set of operating procedures that need to protect buildings from the damaging effects of water and moisture. In addition to providing usability and durability of buildings insulation to ensure healthy conditions for the people in the buildings.
Company:Stil Gradnja
company profile
Stil Gradnja
- Company introduction:Stil Gradnja je građevinska firma koja izvodi sve vrste građevinskih radova. Gradimo zidane kuće, montažne kuće, zidamo ograde i uređujemo dvorišta, vršimo rekonstrukciju ili pravljenje fasada, rekonstrukciju ili sanaciju krovova, postavljamo sve vrste podova, uvodimo struju, vodu, kanalizaciju, postavljamo stolariju, vršimo izolaciju kuća i stanova, radimo preuređenje prostora pregradnim zidovima, krečimo i izvodimo sve molerske i farbarske radove, gipsarske radove, pravimo, adaptiramo ili uređujemo kupatila, sve keramičarske... sve što je vezano za građevinarstvo izvodimo brzo, kvalitetno i po pristupačnim cenama. stil gradnja Ponekad ljudima koji tek kreću u gradnju ili renovaciju taj postupak izgleda kao nemoguća misija. Pravilnim planiranjem i organizacijom poslova na gradilištu može se uštedeti puno vremena, živaca, a ponekad i novca. Ukratko ćemo podsetiti na najbitnije stavke prilikom gradnje i pokušati da ih rasporedimo redosledom kojim se izvode. Svako gradilište mora zadovoljavatu uslove uređenja gradilišta na kojem mora biti dostupna sva propisna dokumentacija. Gradilište treba biti ograđeno zbog sprečavanja nekontrolisanog pristupa. Uz javne površine zabranjeno je ograđivanje koje na bilo koji način ugrožava promet i prolaznike, a veća gradilišta uz ulice moraju biti zaštićena i određenim prometnim znakovima. - Radovi na gradilištu razvrstani su u nekoliko različitih kategorija. Ukratko ćemo Vam predočiti što je sve pred Vama ukoliko se upuštate u gradnju te kojim redosledom biste trebali rešavati stvari.
- Contact Person Name:Svetomir Stankovic
- Address:Đure Daničića 57g
- Post Code:11260
- Telephone #:00 381 61 663 26 06
- Year registered:2007
- Geo Location:Show