Električna makazasta platforma za rad na visini
- product description
- company profile
product description
Description::Građevinske mašine za rad na visini.Namenje su za izvođenje unutrašnjih radova. Karakteristike: RADNE VISINE DO 12m NOSIVOST DO 450 KG Posebnu prednost predstavlja mogućnost izbačaja platforme do 7,50m širine, zbog čega sa prevom nose epitet samohodnih skela.
company profile
- Company introduction:The parent company AB lift Ltd. Ljubljana has recognized the need to increase safety during works at the height of the territory of Serbia. With a view to domestic markets offer the most modern equipment for work at height renowned American manufacturer JLG Industries in mid-2005, founded the company AB lift Ltd. Belgrade. After two years of quality and professional business AB lift gets first prestigious award "Best Business Partner" in the region by JLG-io. By 2014 we gained the trust of many domestic and foreign business systems, participated in all major construction projects in the country. Competitive advantage AB lift Ltd. Belgrade represent our contemporary, new and certified machines that give you security when performing work at height. Our staff consists of trained managers who at any moment can supply you the best quality information and support when choosing a machine. Highly skilled service team takes care of the safety of the entire machine program and make sure that your works to the amount to be reliably and smoothly.
- Contact Person Name:Nenad Đurić
- Address:Auto put Beograd-Novi Sad
- Post Code:11080
- city:Zemun , Serbia
- Telephone #: : Click here to see the phone number
- Geo Location:Show
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