Ulje za lance testera - testerol
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product description
Description::ALTIS TESTEROL is a quality mineral oil to be used for lubricating chains of motor saws that work under difficult conditions. It is characterized by good adhesive power, excellent anti-wear and anti-corrosion qualities as well as by maintaining its properties at low temperatures. ALTIS TESTEROL must not be used in mixtures with fuel for motor saws drive. For that purpose one must use two-step-stroke engine oils. MEETS SPECIFICATIONS STIHL TOMOS PARTNER-FARMER
Category:Motor Oils
Availability:In Stock
Company:Altis Chemicals doo
Place of Origin:Serbia
Wholesale Price - VAT Excluded:199,00 RSD
company profile
Altis Chemicals doo
- Company introduction:Altis Chemicals doo proizvodi antifriz, motorna ulja, hidraulična ulja, industrijska ulja, i sredstva za podmazivanje i hlađenje kod obrade metala. Također trgujemo MEG-om. U saradnji sa svetskim proizvođačima aditiva obezbeđujemo premijum kvalitet svojih proizvoda. Ulja i maziva se koriste za građevinsku i poljoprivrednu mehanizaciju, u transportnim vozilima, metaloprerađivačkoj industriji, i drugim industrijama za podmazivanje mašina.
- Contact Person Name:Svetlana Francuski
- Address:Požeška 15a
- Post Code:23000
- city:Zrenjanin , Serbia
- Cell Phone #: : Click here to see the phone number
- Telephone #: : Click here to see the phone number
- Geo Location:Show
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