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Oil mixture 1L with Dozer

Oil mixture 1L with Dozer

Цената е со вклучен ДДВ
1.150,00 RSD

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product description
  • Description::Convenient pack with dispenser allows for easier and more accurate making blends, which is a basic requirement for a good and long lasting operation 2T engine.

    Alpinastar bear the shipping costs for quantities over 4 liters.
  • Category:Motor Oils
  • Availability:Contact
  • Company:ALPINASTAR
  • Wholesale Price - VAT Excluded:958,00 RSD
  • company profile


    • Company introduction:Excellent advice, quality service and of course: good price! Although a young company, ALPINASTAR Ltd. His work is based on extensive trading experience and tradition of the founder since back in 1931. From day one, our commitment has been to offer our customers quality products and professional services, principle all under one roof. Unlike shopping in hypermarkets, ALPINASTAR provides its customers a lot more: technical advice in the choice of equipment, installation - forming machines with the required zero service, when it is prescribed by the manufacturer, briefing - operator training, service center, transfer of know how in the field of servicing, regular supply of consumables and spare parts, and much more attention to each customer individually.
    • Contact Person Name:Goran
    • Address:Vidikovački venac 104d
    • Post Code:11000
    • city:Niš , Serbia
    • Geo Location:Show
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    Price VAT Included:980,00 RSD

    Oil mixture 1L


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