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product description
  • Description::The Industrial devices for Cleaning and degreasing, IBS -PURGASOL, are practical, safe and easy to use, fit perfectly in all working areas and do not require a lot of space. They are Ideal systems to use in the Auto mechanical Repair services and especially in Industrial maintenance workshops. The degreaser is re-circulated by an electric pump which brings it at the countertop’s working surface through a brush where the process of cleaning and degreasing of mechanical parts of many different dimensions can be accomplished. Through this degreasing process all the grime and dirt along with the degreaser flows back into the drum where the grime and dirt stays at the bottom of the drum but the degreaser can be used over and over again. The system is ecological and the simple method of re-circulation allows repeated usage of the same quantity of the degreaser PURGASOL for prolonged periods. For more details of the operational process please follow the link: (http://ibs-scherer.com/category/130735?file_id=149267).
  • Availability:In Stock
  • Place of Origin:Germany
  • company profile


    • Company introduction:MHP SEAL ENGINEERING je osnovan 2003.god. u Beogradu(Srbija),2004.god. u Skopju(Makedonija) i krajem 2012.god. u Ludbregu(Hrvatska). Naš tim sačinjavaju 15 stručnih osoba koji svakodnevno saradjuju sa odgovornim licima iz različitih grana industrije na teritoriji Srbije,Makedonije,Bosne i Hercegovine,Crne Gore,Hrvatske i Albanije.Osnovni cilj naše kompanije je da uz pomoć visoko tehnoloških proizvoda i pravilne upotrebe istih obezbedimo klijentu najveću moguću efikasnost,dugotrajnost i profitabilnost u procesu proizvodnje sa smanjenim operativnim troškovima u svim vidovima održavanja,proizvodnje i nabavke. Za realizaciju ovog cilja odabrali smo nekoliko različitih kompanija koje mogu medjusobno da se dopunjuju i zadovolje sve zahteve klijenata. Zastupnici smo i ovlašćeni distributeri kompanija: -A.W.Chesterton,USA; -AES Seal,UK; -KTR Kupplungstechnic GmbH,Germany; -Parson Adhesives,USA; -Pulsarlube,USA; -IBS Scherer,Germany; -Rexnord,USA; -SKF,Sweden; koje predstavljaju tehnološki vrh svaka u svojoj oblasti,imaju inovativna rešenja,konstantno se vrše istraživanja i ispitivanja kako postojećih tako i novih proizvoda.
    • Contact Person Name:Miloš Bogdanović
    • Address:Bulevar Despota Stefana 204h
    • Post Code:11060
    • city:Beograd , Serbia
    • Year registered:2003
    • Geo Location:Show
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