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Tire Kleber Viaxer

  • product description
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product description
  • Description::For city cars.

    - Excellent braking on dry and wet surfaces.

    - Increased daily comfort.

    Kleber Viaxer, tires for everyday safety.

    In a series of 80 to 60 diameters from 13 "to 14"
    and speed index: T
  • Availability:Contact
  • Place of Origin:Serbia
  • company profile

    Seme Promet d.o.o.

    • Company introduction:Seme Promet DOO operates more than 14 years and is a leader in wholesale tire and rubber products in the territory of Serbia. Business enterprises Seeds Promet DOO extends to teritroije Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Kosovo, and other countries in our neighborhood. With a wide range of manufacture of the products, with advanced logistics for the territory of Serbia, as well as quality staff, Sam doo, manages to bring together a large number of domestic and foreign manufacturers to the end customers. As a wholesale tire and rubber products have a large indoor storage space, private vehicles, and the work adapted to the needs of clients. The offer seed Transportation offers goods from renowned domestic manufacturers such as Trayal, Tiger, Volcano, Galax, Viskol, Adecco and many others, and also foreign and Michelin, Bridgestone, Cormorant, Mitas, Continental, Henan Aelous, Kama, Voltyre ...
    • Contact Person Name:Seme Promet
    • Address:Srpskih Vladara 1/C
    • Post Code:12300
    • city:Petrovac , Serbia
    • Geo Location:Show
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