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Sweden diapers

Sweden diapers

Цената е со вклучен ДДВ
980,00 RSD

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product description
  • Description::In order to make easy diaper , universal size , no snaps and elastics we used all known cut of the Swedish diaper which is now mainly used in baby diapers wide . Our Swedish diaper is comprised of two layers of material and having a cartridge prišivenog layer 3 and is sewn so that it can bend 2 , or 3 times , depending on the baby's age and sex , which will provide a total of 8 or 11 for absorbing layer . In boys it is usually better to agree cartridge more forward , while the girls can insert deploy the entire length of the diaper . Diaper is tightened with the help of cotton cords , which can bind to the abdomen or back , if the baby is small surplus material can be placed over the tie . The laces in the wash load for that purpose pockets , in order to avoid the bonding of diapers in a bunch . The diaper itself is elastic so that it can easily adapt to the furniture and the body of the baby , it is very pleasant to wear because of its cut and soft materials . Also , it is very practical to use in the winter months due to rapid drying . size Sweden diaper is a diaper size fits all and we recommend it for babies from birth to eighth ninth month , that is, as long as you can Povija baby in a lying position . colors : Currently we are working with all the diapers cotton stripe in 3 colors : yellow, green and blue . material: Like other DajDaj cloth diapers and diaper Sweden sew the material , which consists of 100 % bamboo fiber . Diaper is rimmed with a band that is 100 % cotton .
  • Availability:Contact
  • company profile

    Daj Daj d.o.o.

    • Company introduction:Iza imena DajDaj stoje, naravno, dve žene – Sonja i Violeta. Na ideju da pravimo platnene pelene došle smo 2009. godine kada se rodila mala Zara. Od rođake sam dobila platnene pelene od bambusa koje je ona stavljala svojoj devojčici. Kada ih je Zara prerasla sa sedam meseci krenuli smo u potragu za bambus pelenama u Srbiji. Ispostavilo se da ih kod nas niko ne pravi, najbliže što smo našli bilo je u Hrvatskoj, ali ni oni nisu mogli da nam ih pošalju regularno. Posle pregršt pisama i poziva preko prijatelja uspeli smo nekako da kupimo 10 bambus pelena i bili smo presrećni. Upravo tada smo pomislile – Zašto ih mi ne bi pravile? Zašto ne bi pokušale da i drugim roditeljima i prijateljima omogućimo da kod nas kupe kvalitetne i zdrave pelene. Sa puno entuzijazma ušle smo u potragu za materijalom koja je trajala više od godinu dana. Želele smo da napravimo kvalitetan proizvod i nadamo se da smo u tome uspele. Materijal koji danas koristimo za naše pelene proizveden je u Evropskoj uniji, prateće elemente nabavljamo iz Turske, Grčke i naravno Srbije. Za izradu krojeva angažovali smo modelara sa višegodišnjim iskustvom i zajedno smo pokušali da dođemo do kroja koji će zadovoljiti što veći broj bebećih guza. Pelene se kroje i šiju kompletno u Beogradu. Nadamo se da ćete biti zadovoljni sa našim proizvodima, veoma nam je bitno da čujemo Vaše reči kako hvale tako i kritike. Zahvaljujući Vašim kritikama i sugestijama trudimo se da radimo još bolje. Zato nam pišite, šaljite slike, javite nam šta Vam se sviđa a šta bi mogli da promenimo. Nadamo se da ćete uživati u našim proizvodima isto onoliko koliko smo mi uživali praveći ih. Sonja i Violeta
    • Contact Person Name:Sonja Dakić
    • Address:Džordža Vašingtona 38
    • Post Code:11000
    • city:Beograd , Serbia
    • Cell Phone #:00 381 63 253 992
    • Telephone #:00 381 322 55 81
    • Geo Location:Show
    Price VAT Included:1.250,00 RSD

    Small bamboo diapers

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    Large bamboo diapers

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    Additional inserts


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