Rubber star pickers.., and small stars for all types of tractors and combines
- product description
- company profile
product description
Description::Rubber Star for pickers and small stars harvester and picker for all types of tractors and combines
Place of Origin:Serbia
Warranty:2 years
company profile
- Company introduction:Proizvodnja delova od gume;gume za cerupaljku pilica, gumene zaptivke-svih dimenzija, gumeni nosaci auspuha (zakacke auspuha), spijevi guma metal, sa srafom i maticom, za vibro ploce, stapovi za planinarenje, gumeni podmetaci za case.., proizvodimo i ostale gumene delove narucene po uzorku ili tehnickom crtezu. Kontakt telefon; 064 2085584
- Contact Person Name:Mladen Kovacevic
- Address:Dusana Vukasovica 34
- Post Code:22320
- city: ,
- Cell Phone #:0642085584
- Telephone #:0616883139
- Year registered:2006
- Total employees:1
- Anual sales:100000
- Geo Location:Show