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Дамски ботуши Aquamarine на висок ток в черно


    • product description
    • company profile
    product description
  • Description:Дамски ботуши от естествена кроко кожа
    Цип от вътрешната страна
    Лицева част - естествена кожа
    Вътрешна част - термовата
    Стелка - термовата
    Височина на профила - 38 см
    Височина на тока - 7,5 см
    Линк: http://aquamarineshoes.eu/bg/p/damski-botushi/Damski-botushi-Aquamarine-na-visok-tok-v-cherno/6W8-8
  • Availability:Online
  • Place of Origin:Bulgaria
  • Warranty:2 months
  • Minimum Order Quantity:1
  • company profile

    Aquamarine shoes

    • Company introduction:Aquamarine e chain shoes stores for Women and men shoes, handbags of leather and eco leather. THe outlets of the chain are 7 - five of them are situated in Sofia and two of the stores are seasonal - in Sunny Beach and the Eleni resort. Part of the chain is the online site aquamarineshoes.eu. Aquamarine is a well known brand that has established itself in recent years with its high quality products at affordable prices and excellent level of service. In the shops and online, you can be purchased womens shoes, boots, sandals, summer boots or men's dress shoes, sport shoes, boots and loafers. All products by brand Aquamarine are made of high-grade leather and follow the latest fashion trends. Sports shoes, elegant high-heeled shoes, shoes for prom or special occasion, extravagant shoes platforms party, warm boots, chic boots, spectacular perforated summer boots, ballerinas, loafers - everything from the world of shoes can be found in Aquamarine. More information, new models and promotions of you can find on aquamarienshoes.eu
    • Contact Person Name:Виолета Хоклер
    • Address:София, ул. Кишинев 10
    • Post Code:1407
    • City:Sofia , Bulgaria
    • Cell Phone #: : клик
    • Telephone #: : клик
    • Geo Location:Show
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