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Cardboard salad bowl (750 ml) with a transparent cover

Cardboard salad bowl (750 ml) with a transparent cover

Цената е со вклучен ДДВ
139,20 BGN

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product description
  • Description:Cardboard salad bowl (750 ml) with a transparent lid. Suitable for chilled salads and other dishes. Pieces in box: 600. Price is per carton. Galbo offers consumable disposables, mostly from cardboard and paper - paper cups for hot and cold drinks, paper plates and food containers, paper bags for sandwiches and snacks, paper bags, menu, and other supplies and accessories.
  • Availability:In Stock
  • Seller:Galbo
  • Minimum Order Quantity:600 pcs.
  • company profile


    • Company introduction:At Galbo, we aim to provide packages that are exclusive, both in their design and in their quality, to meet every market requirement. The packages we offer are created especially to be customized with your own logo or designs of your choice. Galbo is in the strategic partnerships with companies which commitment is always based on use of up-to-date technology, innovative materials and designs. This enables us to offer our customers solutions, linked to their specific needs. We will help you bring your ideas to the shelf, and increase your sales and market visibility.
    • Contact Person Name:Бойко Коцев
    • Address:София, ул. Иларион Драгостинов 39, ап.9
    • Post Code:1505
    • City:Sofia , Bulgaria
    • Cell Phone #: : клик
    • Telephone #: : клик
    • Year registered:1997
    • Geo Location:Show
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