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Kmat system

  • product description
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product description
  • Description:The КМат range is complete and robust system of anti-erosion geogrids, which can be manufactured with different thickness and structure. For specific applications they can be made in combination with different fixing elements, filters and reinforcement materials.
  • Availability:In Stock
  • company profile


    • Company introduction:GILD ENGENEERING & Co offers to you highly effective solutions for protection, reinforcement and construction of gabion facilities, protective nets which are applied as effective protections /barriers/ against natural disasters, properties or engineering activities and are also used for: reinforcement of river beds, dams, dikes, railway facilities, supporting walls, collapsing roads, protection of bridges from erosion, settlements, rock falls, reinforcement of the soils and the terrains, landslides, avalanches and many other natural acquired or existing properties, as in fact the facilities not only guarantee great reliability, effectiveness and low prime cost but also additionally decorate the natural landscape.
    • Contact Person Name:Георгиев
    • Address:Русе, ул. Църковна независимост 33
    • Post Code:7000
    • City:Rousse , Bulgaria
    • Cell Phone #: : клик
    • Telephone #: : клик
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