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Industrial lighting fixtures Campana

  • Industrial lighting fixtures Campana

    Цената е со вклучен ДДВ
    84,00 BGN

    • product description
    • company profile
    product description
  • Description:Body: aluminium; Diffuser: tempered glass
    Reflector: aluminum. Starting device: inductive ballast, ignitors. Application: lighting of industrial facilities, sports hall, supermarkets and other. The price does not inlcude the lighting.
  • Availability:In Stock
  • Seller:Radev&sons
  • company profile


    • Company introduction:The main activity of "RADEV and SONS" Ltd. is the manufacture, import and marketing of lighting fixtures and poles. We offer complete solutions on the market for lighting equipment in industry , household, garden and park. Constantly kept in our storage facilities wide range of products, which guarantees the correct and fast delivery throughout the country, using its own distribution network. All products are quality guaranteed. Our attractive pricing attracts more traders in the industry. Our main goal is to continuously improve our activities in terms of quality of products, to protect the environment and continuously improving the conditions of health and safety at work in the company. Visit our online store http://www.rs-light.com
    • Contact Person Name:Гергана Радева
    • Address:Пловдив, ул. Димитър Стамболов 2А
    • Post Code:4003
    • City:Plovdiv , Bulgaria
    • Cell Phone #: : клик
    • Telephone #: : клик
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