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Toshiba RAS-B16N3KV2-E SUZUMI +

Toshiba RAS-B16N3KV2-E SUZUMI +

Цената е со вклучен ДДВ
1.890,00 BGN

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product description
  • Description:Self-cleaning function, prevent the accumulation of mold inside the appliance (decreased humidity, causing the formation of mold). The model is from 2013. and meets the most - the new directives of the European Union. Low noise levels both internal and external body. Mode "Comfortable sleep" The temperature increased by one degree in one hour and even some degree after two hours. Sleep mode "Eco" réseau raises / lowers the temperature to prevent excessive cooling and thus also prohibitive cost of electricity. Additional energy savings provides twin-compressor. IAQ Filter-air quality is ensured through several stages of filtration and additional functions, elimination of fine particles, viruses, bacteria and allergens.
    For rooms up to 40kv. / M.
  • Seller:Ka 5 Klima
  • company profile

    Ka 5 Klima

    • Company introduction:"Ka 5 Klima" is now '10 leader in air-conditioning of small, medium and large objects. We specialize in the design and construction of air conditioning and ventilation for the needs of private and corporate clients. The company provides delivery, installation and service of residential areas and office areas. Our team consists of certified staff to work with ozone-depleting gases and experience in EU countries.
    • Contact Person Name:Томас Петров
    • Address:ул. Георги Комитата 15
    • Post Code:4000
    • City:Plovdiv , Bulgaria
    • Cell Phone #: : клик
    • Telephone #: : клик
    • Geo Location:Show
    • Повеќе детали
    Price VAT Included:1.650,00 BGN

    Toshiba RAS-B13N3KV2-E SUZUMI +


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