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  • Description:All sizes and colors
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    О.Р.Т. АД

    • Company introduction:Design and furnishing the offices of the leading companies in our country and we export our products to more than 400 trading partners in more than 60 countries worldwide. We have registered a number of trademarks patents, design, structure and function of office furniture. ORT philosophy is to provide office furniture solutions that are of exceptional quality, contemporary design and meet the highest industry standards and customer requirements. In ORT say that not only do quality office furniture - we teach clients to recognize quality, giving them advantages that every client deserves.
    • Contact Person Name:Младен Цонев
    • Address:Кръстьо Сарафов
    • Telephone #: : клик
    • Повеќе детали
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    Price VAT Included:Ask for price


    Price VAT Included:Ask for price



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