Company introduction:Elektrokompleks Ltd. is a company specialized in the distribution of products and systems providing attachment and passage of cables, wiring, air ducts, wiring and plumbing pipes, cable trays. All this dressed in modern phrase "Cable and pipe management". Elektrokompleks Ltd. distributes the output of more than 10 European companies oriented its production towards products nadezhnosta support and strength in building wiring and cable routing. Among our partners are companies from Bulgaria, Italy, Poland, Germany and Russia. The company is actively developing in the field of building electrical, lighting equipment and systems. In this our business partner with designers, architects and designers from across the country. The company has a warehouse for wholesale located on 1000 m2 in West Industrial Zone of the city. With a team of highly trained elektromontazhnitsi worked alone at more than 100 sites in Varna, Bulgaria, as well as a subcontractor to other firms in the industry. Last but not least, our stores retailing of electrical cables, instrumentation, electrical, industrial and decorative lighting products marketed under the brand Tehnolight.
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