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Joinery and Fittings

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product description
  • Description:German PVC joinery fittings GU UNI JET - Antiburglary casing - Possibility of multipoint locking (horizontal and vertical) - Possibility to open in 2 planes - Possibility of mounting wings to 120 kg - Specialized hardware for doors - Fine adjustment (adjustment on 3 axes) - Massive rebate hinge - Volkswagen type systems - Guaranteed openings: 50,000 Sigenia German PVC joinery fittings Sigenia - Antiburglary casing - Possibility of multipoint locking (horizontal and vertical) - Possibility to open in 2 planes - Possibility of mounting wings - Specialized hardware for doors - Fine adjustment (adjustment on 3 axes) - Guaranteed openings: 30,000
  • Availability:In Stock
  • company profile

    Defoe Varna Ltd

    • Company introduction:"Defoe VARNA" e Ltd specializes in the manufacture, supply and installation of all types of aluminum and PVC windows, shutters and more. For its customers the company offers a wide variety of accessories for windows and doors. Besides high quality PVC and aluminum windows, we offer manufacturing and assembly of various metal and roofing, railings, building repairs. In our office customers can always receive accurate and complete information about the selected product. DESIGN - consultancy work is carried out by a team of qualified engineers. Apply individual approach so that each client can receive an objective technical and cost information according to their needs. The company has its own manufacturing base in the city Varna.Montazhnite teams are equipped with the most modern equipment and instruments, have own transportation.
    • Contact Person Name:г-н Димитров
    • Address:Варна, ул.Отец Паисий 23
    • Post Code:9000
    • City:Varna , Bulgaria
    • Telephone #: : клик
    • Geo Location:Show
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