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Course "Group-dynamic training for team compatibility and skills for teamwork"

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product description
  • Description:Learning Objective:
    The goal that put the training in this course is the formation of leadership skills and developing important professional and personal qualities related to process management. Participants should acquire skills:

    To recognize group-dynamic processes in the team and manage them to ensure smooth and efficient operation of the team;
    To identify weaknesses in the team and learn to Removal;
    To productive use conflicts have arisen within the team;
    To develop skills for making management decisions in various situations where teamwork;
    To recognize and reinforce the strengths of the team.

    Gist of the course:

    Stages and processes for building teams;
    Advantages of teamwork;
    Identification of group-dinamichvi processes within the team;
    Management of group-dynamic processes - decision making;
    Analysis of the culture of the team;
    Reaction in the event of sharp conflicts within the team;
    Communication and communication techniques for dialogue and negotiation;
    Leadership Qualities, and styles of leadership;
    Changing the culture of the team in accordance to the image of the bank.

    It is training to be conducted in two modules lasting 20 hours each.
    Number of participants in training, at least 15 people, maximum 20 per group.
    Venue of training arrangements / appropriate to be outside of the village /.

    Target groups:
    The course is open to all employees working in teams or groups, executives and others.

    Methods for conducting the course:
    The focus are methods for training a team with many specialized management tests and tests for pridobivane professional managerial skills tests personality to heuristic thinking lots of sample situations, case studies, events and video analysis and more.
    After each test case and an analysis and commentary on the decisions.
  • company profile

    TBS Consulting

    • Company introduction:The main activity of the company is TBS Consulting organization of professional training at home and abroad, business training, corporate events, seminars, international conferences and business trips. Our primary goal is through modern teaching methods, pleasant atmosphere and perfect organization to meet the high requirements of our customers. We offer a wide range of training topics: health and safety, fire, construction, quality management, preparing assessors of real estate, machinery and equipment, whole enterprises, accounting and more. The programs of our courses are tailored to the needs of our customers in line with the spirit of modern dynamic changes in the economy of our country, we enjoyed the experience of similar companies in Austria, USA, Germany, Holland, Denmark and others. We also offer corporate training in convenient time and place previously agreed program.
    • Contact Person Name:Сотирова
    • Address:бул. Княгиня Мария Луиза 92, ет. 5
    • Post Code:1202
    • City:Sofia , Bulgaria
    • Cell Phone #:0888 603 724
    • Telephone #:02 8310033


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