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Complete pre-wedding preparations

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product description
  • Description:Arrangements-color roses white canvas, candles and / or other arrangements, arrangement of food at the buffet; arrangement of bars, drinks, table arrangement for the cake and / or chocolate / alcohol fountain; arrangement of chairs for guests with small bouquets; arrangement - elements for wall, ceiling, floor, columns, input, output, etc., decorated with fabrics for bridal table, stands ceremonies, decor cake table, covers and ribbons for the chairs for the ceremony; covers for chairs in the location; ribbons on chairs in location, additionally spectacular lighting balloons. Making a wedding cake - shaped, floors, consistent with the number of guests, bread, catering home of the groom, best man, parents, Carving, ice pieces, chocolate and / or alcohol fountain; Wedding vehicle - car, carriage, coach, etc; Guest transportation and lodging, providing a playground and animation for children, fireworks show, fire show, paper lanterns, balloon ride, horse, boat, pigeon, games, romantic bridal room decoration, original choreography of the first wedding dance.
  • company profile


    • Company introduction:Wedding Agency "Floresta" - a team with extensive experience in wedding decorations and floristics. Each event is unique in nature. Each holiday has its own style. Our agency made boutique version of each element of floristry to handmade invitations and gifts for guests. As different flowers, the options may be offered for making every detail connected with color and imagination. Professionalism is the word with which we identify. In order to be useful we need to be well informed with creative thinking and open-minded, and that's a fact. In order to discover new, you have to know the traditions. Wedding event combines tradition and modernity! Will avoid chaos, negative emotions and stress. We at Agency "Floresta" you have to get out of the maze more successful organization of your wedding. Ariadne's thread is in our hands. Which option you choose "Test - error" or professional skills of specialists depends only on you. Remember the fairy bell and come to write your story. And do not forget - your movie can be: classic, romantic, fantasy, action and comedy, but most of all love is all around you - "Love Actually."
    • Contact Person Name:Павлина Василева
    • Address:ул. Ген. Колев 68А
    • Post Code:9002
    • City:Varna , Bulgaria
    • Cell Phone #: : клик
    • Telephone #: : клик
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