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product description
  • Description:The editors provide personal advice paid lip complex issues of accounting, tax, labor and social relations.
    Consultations take place in the newsroom.
    The price for one academic hour is 84 lev VAT.
    Payment is required prior consultation.
  • company profile


    • Company introduction:United editing of books and periodicals "Thought" is a specialized company for publishing and consulting. Established in 1995 Editorial specialist periodicals issued exclusively for accountants and financiers of large and medium-sized companies. These are magazine "Accounting Plus Tax, Social Relations," Library "Bulgarian Accountant" magazine "Accounting Policies" newspaper "accounting and tax practice." All are monthly publications, the highest circulated in this specialized field. Maintain a high percentage of market share. Receive them by subscribing several thousand large, medium and small companies in the country. Editorial issues and literature in accounting, tax, social and labor relations, as well as fiction. Consulting - every subscriber of our publications can be inquired by fax to the editorial "Hotline" or e-mail and receive free written response from leading experts. The editors provide oral and personal paid consultations. Training - editors organize practical conferences and seminars on topics of accounting, tax and insurance practice. The editorial provides to its subscribers free forensic examination of the tax case from their budget estimates. Competitions - editing contest organized annually accounting for students from vocational schools in the country, studying accounting.
    • Contact Person Name:Екатерина Григорова
    • Address:ул. Чумерна № 12А (до Софийската математическа гимназия)
    • Post Code:1000
    • City:Sofia , Bulgaria
    • Telephone #: : клик
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