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Construction, maintenance and repair of electrical installations

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product description
  • Description:Termobild Ltd offers its customers construction, repair, restoration and maintenance of all types of electrical installations. Installation, removal and replacement of lighting fixtures, switches, electrical panels, connection of new devices and other similar services.
  • Availability:Contact
  • company profile


    • Company introduction:"Termobild" Ltd. is a construction firm that performs a wide variety of building repairs, construction and other activities that can satisfy even the most discriminating taste and aesthetic needs of each client. We build not only your home, but also comfort in it. We offer full co-operation in the planning of your home or its reconstruction. Modern interior and exterior solutions provide aesthetic pleasure, comfort and warmth to your home. Trust us and repair your home to become what you've always dreamed of.
    • Contact Person Name:Наталия Иванова
    • Address:Варна, ул. "Ген Столетов" 88
    • Post Code:9002
    • City:Varna , Bulgaria
    • Cell Phone #: : клик
    • Telephone #: : клик
    • Geo Location:Show
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