LG-Nortel analog / digital station for small and medium firms AriaSOHO
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product description
Product Description:- Up to 48 locals (analog and / or digital)
- Up to 12 input lines (analog only)
- No opportunity for IP
- Ability to add answering machine, voice mailboxes, MOH, CID
- PC Admin to configure and maintain the terminal
- Additional Phones: Analog - series LKA200; - - - Digital - series LDP7200
- The control unit allows the use of all well known features, such as answering machine, voice mail, modem for remote administration, and applications for computer connectivity (softwarephones and software answering machine).
With "Plug & Play" functionality of ARIA SOHO, provides complete flexibility in choosing the type of user terminal (analog phone, digital phone, fax). ARIA SOHO automatically recognizes different signals (voice, fax) and forwarded to the appropriate device.
ARIA SOHO System allows easy and relatively cheap expansion of capacity. By adding additional modules can be upgraded to 48 locals and up to 12 input lines, which protects the initial investment.
ARIA SOHO System offers simple interconnection of terminals, network and peripheral devices to your desktop. With the help of software management, the plant is easy to adjust and maintain.
- Up to 12 input lines (analog only)
- No opportunity for IP
- Ability to add answering machine, voice mailboxes, MOH, CID
- PC Admin to configure and maintain the terminal
- Additional Phones: Analog - series LKA200; - - - Digital - series LDP7200
- The control unit allows the use of all well known features, such as answering machine, voice mail, modem for remote administration, and applications for computer connectivity (softwarephones and software answering machine).
With "Plug & Play" functionality of ARIA SOHO, provides complete flexibility in choosing the type of user terminal (analog phone, digital phone, fax). ARIA SOHO automatically recognizes different signals (voice, fax) and forwarded to the appropriate device.
ARIA SOHO System allows easy and relatively cheap expansion of capacity. By adding additional modules can be upgraded to 48 locals and up to 12 input lines, which protects the initial investment.
ARIA SOHO System offers simple interconnection of terminals, network and peripheral devices to your desktop. With the help of software management, the plant is easy to adjust and maintain.
Availability:In Stock
Place of Origin:United States
Warranty:3 years
Minimum Order Quantity:1
company profile
- Company introduction:Вулфинет е компанија посветена на инсталирање, снабдување и дизајнирање на ИТ решенија за мали и средни претпријатија. Поседуваме сертифициран тим на професионалци кои ке одговорат на секој предизвик. Нашата главна цел: е овозможување на квалитетни продукти, ефикасни решенија и овозможување на најквалитетна услуга за нашите клиенти. Ви ветуваме брз одговор и трајни решенија за сите ваши проблеми и потреби. Нашиот високо обучен тим ке ви донесе ИТ решенија базирани на вашите потреби. Ние ги употребуваме најновите хардверски и софтверски системи, предностите во комуникацијата и сигурносните технолиогии за да ви овозможиме зголемена мрежна продуктивност и оптимално решение за вашите ИТ потреби. Ви нудиме техничка поддршка 24/7, поправка на системи, мрежен консалтинг и дизајн на компјутерски мрежи и системи.
- Contact Person Name:Столе
- Address:Фјодор Достоевски 9/1-2
- Post Code:1000
- City:Skopje , Macedonia
- Telephone #: : Click here to see the phone number
- Year registered:2006
- Total employees:12
- Geo Location:Show
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