Panasonic KX-TDE100 централа
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product description
Product Description:KX-TDE100- Ideal for 1 PRI x 80 Digital Extensionsx 128 IP Extensions
•Panasonic KX-TDE100 business telephone system is a hybrid VoIP PBX that is ideal for companies with 25 to 65 users who would like to take advantage of the benefits of connecting to a PRI or T-1 Circuit as well as having the ability to have remote IP Phones connected to the system.
•The system has the ability to have up to 4 T-1 or PRI Circuits and can accommodate DID numbers. For companies that would like to connect to traditional POTS lines, the system is a great fit.
•Alternatively for those that would like to take advantage of the benefits of Voice over IP, the Panasonic TDE Phone System can accommodate many of their needs. It has the ability to network multiple sites and support Centralized Voicemail. The optional gateway card will also allow a company to have one receptionist answer the phones for multiple sites and see whether or not someone is on the phone. The call can then be transferred to the appropriate site by 3 digit or 4 digit dialing to avoid a toll charge.
•Voice over IP can also benefit your company by helping you to save money on your telephone bill, avoid heavy taxes on your telephone lines, and move telephone numbers easily and inexpensively through the use of SIP Lines. You may also connect remote phones to your TDE telephone system with the NT300 series phones or Polycom Soundpoint SIP Phones.
•The TDE100 supports up to 96 digital phones such as Panasonic DT300 Series Phones or the KX-T7600 Series Phones. It also supports up to 48 Analog Proprietary Phonessuch as the KX-T7700 series, or 96 Single Line Telephones. This telephone system is also compatible with DECT 6.0 Wireless Handsets with cell stations for maximum wireless coverage in your office. You may install up to 128 wireless handsets to your system.
•The KX-TDE100 includes a built in CTI Link card that will allow you to program your phone system directly through your LAN. A system administrator can log into the system and make programming changes right from their computer, rather than having to program through a telephone, or having to connect a computer to the phone system.
•It also includes a Music on Hold port for music or message on hold, and a paging port for overhead paging systems. Panasonic KX-TDE100 is a perfect solution for a small to medium sized business.
•Panasonic KX-TDE100 business telephone system is a hybrid VoIP PBX that is ideal for companies with 25 to 65 users who would like to take advantage of the benefits of connecting to a PRI or T-1 Circuit as well as having the ability to have remote IP Phones connected to the system.
•The system has the ability to have up to 4 T-1 or PRI Circuits and can accommodate DID numbers. For companies that would like to connect to traditional POTS lines, the system is a great fit.
•Alternatively for those that would like to take advantage of the benefits of Voice over IP, the Panasonic TDE Phone System can accommodate many of their needs. It has the ability to network multiple sites and support Centralized Voicemail. The optional gateway card will also allow a company to have one receptionist answer the phones for multiple sites and see whether or not someone is on the phone. The call can then be transferred to the appropriate site by 3 digit or 4 digit dialing to avoid a toll charge.
•Voice over IP can also benefit your company by helping you to save money on your telephone bill, avoid heavy taxes on your telephone lines, and move telephone numbers easily and inexpensively through the use of SIP Lines. You may also connect remote phones to your TDE telephone system with the NT300 series phones or Polycom Soundpoint SIP Phones.
•The TDE100 supports up to 96 digital phones such as Panasonic DT300 Series Phones or the KX-T7600 Series Phones. It also supports up to 48 Analog Proprietary Phonessuch as the KX-T7700 series, or 96 Single Line Telephones. This telephone system is also compatible with DECT 6.0 Wireless Handsets with cell stations for maximum wireless coverage in your office. You may install up to 128 wireless handsets to your system.
•The KX-TDE100 includes a built in CTI Link card that will allow you to program your phone system directly through your LAN. A system administrator can log into the system and make programming changes right from their computer, rather than having to program through a telephone, or having to connect a computer to the phone system.
•It also includes a Music on Hold port for music or message on hold, and a paging port for overhead paging systems. Panasonic KX-TDE100 is a perfect solution for a small to medium sized business.
Seller:Panter faks
company profile
Panter faks
- Company introduction:Пантерфакс е фирма која е основана 1996 година чија дејност е трговија со видео и аудио опрема. Се вбројуваме меѓу најуспешните во областа на електронската заштита. Денес во современиот свет на живеење им помагаме на нашите потрошувачи и клиенти на поедноставен и полесен начин да дојдат до реализација на своите потреби од областа на: - аудио-видео надзор, - хардвер и софтвер, - медии и потрошен матерјал, - осветлување (рефлектори), комплетна опрема за работа на продукции и ТВ куќи. Исто така поседуваме богата палета на машини за броење на банкноти, монети и детектори за пари. Пантерфакс е сертифициран овластен дистрибутер на повеќето брендови кои ги увезува.
- Contact Person Name:Пантер факс
- Address:Живко Чинго 4 ( до ресторан Скопски мерак)
- Post Code:1000
- City:Skopje , Macedonia
- Cell Phone #: : Click here to see the phone number
- Telephone #: : Click here to see the phone number
- Year registered:1996
- Total employees:5
- Geo Location:Show
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