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Swimming lesson for adults

Swimming lesson for adults

Цената е со вклучен ДДВ
700 MKD

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product description
  • Product Description:Swimming lessons for adults and correctional and rehabilitation exercise in water,the lessons is guided by swim coaches of Swimming club Orion.
  • Seller:Orion
  • Place of Origin:Macedonia
  • company profile


    • Company introduction:Swimming and Waterpolo Club "ORION" - Skopje exist from September 2006. The club has a great potential and qualified per...sonnel - coaches and athletes, professionals from the field of swimming and water polo, with huge experience from national and international level. We tend to create the best possible conditions for effective and successful program- conquering the basic swimming skills. SWC "ORION" - Skopje has team with more than 120 children in the swimming school and the club which practice every day on the Olympic Swimming pool "Center" and "Mladost" swimming pool. * Our will is to make swimming massive sport; * To teach the kids about swimming basics through fun, play and friendship; * To make young athletes, that in the future will be part of the Macedonian National Swimming team.
    • Contact Person Name:Јане Карајованов
    • Geo Location:Show
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