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product description
  • Product Description:Delivering personalized communications at high speed and volume. Personalized bills and statements, high volumes of direct mailing, all types of transactional documents and tax pay slips – whatever our clients need to mail, we are here to process it safely, swiftly and cost effectively, while paying greatest emphasis on quality, accuracy and time. By utilizing our in-house specialized billing system with state-of-art mailing equipment installed and reliable key personnel engaged, our clients are always heads on their competition. The particularly configured billing department allows incessant possibilities for effectively and efficiently meeting individual client requirements via: - 3 KERN and 1 NEOPOST enveloping machines with daily enveloping capacity of more than 160.000 enveloped mailings - 10 NASUATEC laser printers for swift personalization and printing capacity of more than 2.000.000 memos a day - Tailored software for tracking and bar code/OCR/Data Matrix reading - Skilled technical support available 24/7 - 24/7 multi-level security and surveillance system - Separate protocols for protecting client’s data and property in line with legal regulations Key players in the fields of telecommunications, banking and utility services have entrusted us with transactional documents essential for their businesses. Thereby, empowering our performance in handling billions of transactional documents every year, while saving our clients budgets in the process.
  • Availability:Contact
  • company profile

    Bato & Divajn

    • Company introduction:Bato&Divajn Graphic Center is a technologically advanced company which provides graphic design, pre-press, and qualitative offset printing services. It is specialized in design and production of cardboard packages, value cards, beverage labels, security paper products as well as a variety of Point-of-Sale materials, and other printed products. The implementation of the ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004 standards has led to enhanced performance in accompanying clients to achieve their visions.
    • Contact Person Name:Коста Андов
    • Address:Борис Трајковски 314 (Првомајска)
    • City:Skopje , Macedonia
    • Geo Location:Show
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