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Закон за облигационите односи - Академик Доoел Скопје

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product description
  • Product Description:In accordance with the requirements of European Union law, the Law on Obligations, as a key law regulating the trade of goods and services, has been supplemented and expanded again, by transposing the relevant Directives. Exactly these changes and additions that aim at its modernization, are included in this third supplementary edition.
    The members in which changes have been made are clearly and unambiguously marked, ie who are the newly added members, and the reasons for which changes and additions are made are stated in the commentary to each of the specific provisions of the Law. In addition to the comments and explanations of the new members and the changes of the existing parts, the necessary changes and corrections in the explanations and comments have been fully reviewed and made. This gives a complete overview of the latest changes, what they mean and what is the need for their amendment.
    In a word, a book that you must have on your shelf! The text of Dr. Kiril Chavdar, is an inevitable reading with which you will master the Law on Obligations at a high professional level. Exhaustive comments, explanations and excerpts from the case law will provide you with a clear and detailed insight into all articles, with the amendments, application of the Law in accordance with European directives and finally, smooth and effective circulation of goods and services.
  • Availability:In Stock
  • Place of Origin:Macedonia
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    Академик Дооел Скопје

    • Company introduction:- Најбрз и најлесен пристап до целокупното важечко законодавство на Македонија преку сеопфатната и дневно ажурирана збирка на прописи, akademika.com.mk - Пристап до стручна, квалитетна и богата правна литература - Релевантни и практични обуки на правни теми поврзани со секојдневното работење - Годишна конференција „Управување со правни ризици“
    • Contact Person Name:akademik@akademik.com.mk
    • Address:Рајко Жинзифов
    • Post Code:50
    • City:Skopje , Macedonia
    • Cell Phone #:02 3246813
    • Telephone #:02 3237465
    • Geo Location:Show


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