Академик Доеел Скопје
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Product Description: LEGAL LITERATURE
According to the reviewer prof. Dr. Jadranka Dabovi--Anastasovska, "Intellectual property as a human right: protection before the European Court of Human Rights" is a paper in which for the first time in this area the author through analysis of the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights concludes about tendencies to protect intellectual property property in relation to other human rights. It sees and presents the European Convention on Human Rights in its dynamic component, which should be applied and read in the 'light of the present'.
Although the European Convention on Human Rights does not contain provisions that explicitly provide for the protection of intellectual property rights, the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) has enabled its protection through judgments interpreting property rights in relation to intellectual property claims. property.
The ECtHR also considered requests for protection of other human rights from alleged excessive national protection of intellectual property. This raises very complex questions in the context of the relationship between intellectual property and human rights regimes.
Therefore, the goal that is expected to be achieved with the publication of this book is not only to obtain a comprehensive, sublimated and systematized knowledge of the treatment and development of intellectual property protection within the case law of the ECtHR, but also to obtain knowledge of the approach and role of the ECtHR in decision-making in cases for the protection of intellectual property rights, as well as in the formation of innovation and creativity policy in Europe and locating the tendencies in the development of the case law of the ECtHR which treats the right to intellectual property by determining the determinants that influence the direction of development, as well as the possible consequences of them.
As the reviewer of the work prof. Dr. Tatjana Petrusevska, "The authoritatively set theoretical frameworks follow the modern world tendencies. The whole lavish matter is presented in a clear way, content rich, comprehensive and thorough, and the whole text is very logically systematized. "Thus, within the first chapter, the notion of intellectual property rights and types of intellectual property rights are located. after which a review is given of the historical development of the intellectual property right, as well as a review of the legal nature of the intellectual property rights and the distinction between the intellectual property right and the property right. The second chapter analyzes the relationship between human rights and intellectual property. It explains the process of placing intellectual property on the human rights agenda and the arguments regarding the question of whether intellectual property can be classified in the human rights group. The third chapter provides an overview of the protection of intellectual property rights within the framework of international human rights instruments.
The fourth chapter provides an overview of the protection of intellectual property rights within the framework of European human rights instruments. Chapter 5 deals with the European Convention on Human Rights, with particular reference to the interpretation and application of the Convention. This chapter also analyzes the relevant provisions on intellectual property rights contained in it. The sixth chapter explains how the ECtHR works.The seventh chapter provides a detailed review and analysis of the case law of the ECtHR which deals with intellectual property rights. The eighth chapter, based on the analysis of the case law of the ECtHR regarding intellectual property rights, defines and explains three basic models of the ECtHR approach to the protection of intellectual property rights.
According to the author of the work, "The book is intended for the entire professional public dealing with the issue of intellectual property rights, as well as for those dealing with the implementation of the European Convention on Human Rights. This book is also intended for judges, lawyers, advocates for the protection of intellectual property rights and other professions that are in any way involved in activities for the protection of intellectual property and the protection of human rights and freedoms. , in general.
This book can be used by intellectual property rights holders themselves, but also by all those who are just curious (rightly) to learn more about the protection of their freedoms and rights before the European Court of Human Rights. And of course, this book is also intended for law students, especially undergraduate and doctoral students in intellectual property law and international law and human rights. "
According to the reviewer prof. Dr. Jadranka Dabovi--Anastasovska, "Intellectual property as a human right: protection before the European Court of Human Rights" is a paper in which for the first time in this area the author through analysis of the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights concludes about tendencies to protect intellectual property property in relation to other human rights. It sees and presents the European Convention on Human Rights in its dynamic component, which should be applied and read in the 'light of the present'.
Although the European Convention on Human Rights does not contain provisions that explicitly provide for the protection of intellectual property rights, the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) has enabled its protection through judgments interpreting property rights in relation to intellectual property claims. property.
The ECtHR also considered requests for protection of other human rights from alleged excessive national protection of intellectual property. This raises very complex questions in the context of the relationship between intellectual property and human rights regimes.
Therefore, the goal that is expected to be achieved with the publication of this book is not only to obtain a comprehensive, sublimated and systematized knowledge of the treatment and development of intellectual property protection within the case law of the ECtHR, but also to obtain knowledge of the approach and role of the ECtHR in decision-making in cases for the protection of intellectual property rights, as well as in the formation of innovation and creativity policy in Europe and locating the tendencies in the development of the case law of the ECtHR which treats the right to intellectual property by determining the determinants that influence the direction of development, as well as the possible consequences of them.
As the reviewer of the work prof. Dr. Tatjana Petrusevska, "The authoritatively set theoretical frameworks follow the modern world tendencies. The whole lavish matter is presented in a clear way, content rich, comprehensive and thorough, and the whole text is very logically systematized. "Thus, within the first chapter, the notion of intellectual property rights and types of intellectual property rights are located. after which a review is given of the historical development of the intellectual property right, as well as a review of the legal nature of the intellectual property rights and the distinction between the intellectual property right and the property right. The second chapter analyzes the relationship between human rights and intellectual property. It explains the process of placing intellectual property on the human rights agenda and the arguments regarding the question of whether intellectual property can be classified in the human rights group. The third chapter provides an overview of the protection of intellectual property rights within the framework of international human rights instruments.
The fourth chapter provides an overview of the protection of intellectual property rights within the framework of European human rights instruments. Chapter 5 deals with the European Convention on Human Rights, with particular reference to the interpretation and application of the Convention. This chapter also analyzes the relevant provisions on intellectual property rights contained in it. The sixth chapter explains how the ECtHR works.The seventh chapter provides a detailed review and analysis of the case law of the ECtHR which deals with intellectual property rights. The eighth chapter, based on the analysis of the case law of the ECtHR regarding intellectual property rights, defines and explains three basic models of the ECtHR approach to the protection of intellectual property rights.
According to the author of the work, "The book is intended for the entire professional public dealing with the issue of intellectual property rights, as well as for those dealing with the implementation of the European Convention on Human Rights. This book is also intended for judges, lawyers, advocates for the protection of intellectual property rights and other professions that are in any way involved in activities for the protection of intellectual property and the protection of human rights and freedoms. , in general.
This book can be used by intellectual property rights holders themselves, but also by all those who are just curious (rightly) to learn more about the protection of their freedoms and rights before the European Court of Human Rights. And of course, this book is also intended for law students, especially undergraduate and doctoral students in intellectual property law and international law and human rights. "
Seller:Академик Дооел Скопје
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Академик Дооел Скопје
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