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product description
  • Product Description:Contact: 02/2581 380; 070/217952. Welding, soldering, metalization reparaciono world of welding. Messer Vardar Tehnogas according to Messer Group in its sales program has an overall range of world-renowned firm Castolin Eutectic. Since 1906, Castolin Eutectic is a worldwide leader in reparaturnoto machine maintenance as the high quality of its extra special materials, and program the most modern equipment for welding, soldering and metalization. However, as a leading global company in this area of ​​the market, we have to mention that part of reputation has been built thanks to the services in the field of machine maintenance: the strategy of economic planning through maintenance of successful measures to protect against wear, to practically oriented program training of staff and technicians. By using the products of the program Castolin Eutectic not getting only top quality materials and additional equipment, but also gets practical know-how, expert advice and service intensive service: from defining the problem to its successful resolution. Therefore we would like to inform you about their opportunities. Successfully resolve the problems of wear and welding of joints that are difficult to weld or congested. Problem Wear: welding, protective navaruvanje and finished antiabechki plates (CDP plates), tackle every problem of extreme wear of critical parts, and when it comes to abrasion, erosion, heavy beats fiction or corrosion. Problem welding / joining: welding weldable hard parts, repair and upgrade broken parts and machines, welding dynamically loaded parts, as well as black and white joints successfully resolve our special additional materials and welding technology. Our products can be divided into several main groups: - REL electrodes - Continuum filled and filled wires - Bare and coated wires and rods - Dissolves and pastes - Straight to metalization - Equipment Production program is divided into the following groups: - Cast iron - Nelegirano, niskolegirano and high-alloyed steels - Stainless steels - Copper alloys, aluminum alloys, titanium alloys and magnesium alloys - High silver alloy solder - Soft and hard casting - Various dissolves and pastes - Cold and hot metalization, keramizacija - Plasma welding and cutting - Products for groove and burn Also have a wide range of welding and metalization. For additional information and suggestions at your disposal.
  • Availability:Contact
  • company profile

    Messer Vardar Tehnogas

    • Company introduction:Contact: 02/2581 380; 070/217952. MESSER is the name of a German company that has been associated with industrial emissions for more than 100 years. Messer Group produces and supplies its customers with oxygen, nitrogen, argon, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, helium, inert welding gases, special gases, gases for medical use as well as a wide range of gas mixtures. Meser Vardar Tehnogas was established in 1997. as a company daughter of Messer Group. Currently we have production facilities for carbon dioxide located in Medzitlija-Bitola, and filling stations for oxygen, for carbon dioxide, for argon and gas mixtures located in Skopje. Meser Vardar Tehnogas has outlets throughout Macedonia - in Kumanovo, Kriva Palanka, Sveti Nikole, Stip, Kocani, Strumica, Gevgelija, Veles, Kavadarci, Prilep, Bitola, Ohrid, Gostivar and Tetovo.
    • Contact Person Name:Даниела
    • Address:Istocna industriska zona bb
    • Post Code:1040
    • City:Skopje , Macedonia
    • Year registered:1996
    • Total employees:40
    • Geo Location:Show
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