Water filters EC105 - reverse osmosis system
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product description
Product Description:The filters are beautifully packaged with all necessary elements for quick and easy installation. Placed under the kitchen sink, over the sink. Kits include: - 8.4 L container for pressurized water made according to NSF standard - Special chrome filtered water fountains - Valve for automatic shutdown of the system after charging - Stainless steel valve and restrictor - Valve for wastewater connection - Easy installation - just plug and drink! - Fully authenticated of putting water and fitted in the factory - 100% tested and sterilized ready for installation
Category:Water Treatment Appliances
Seller:Graniterm engineering
Warranty:1 year
Minimum Order Quantity:1
company profile
Graniterm engineering
- Company introduction:Гранитерм инженеринг е компанија специјализирана за електрично греење, заштита од мраз, топење снег, индустриски греења и третман на вода- филтри , јонизатори.
- Contact Person Name:Живко
- Address:бул.Јане Сандански 7 лок.17 ТЦ ТРИ БИСЕРИ Аеродром
- Post Code:1000
- City:Skopje , Macedonia
- Telephone #: : Click here to see the phone number
- Geo Location:Show
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