convector Evidence 2500W
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product description
Product Description:Reliable, easy to use comfortable heating convectors for the whole family. Technical Specifications: * Power: 500 to 2500 W * Models: Standard, shallow * Protected heater with aluminum diffuser (safe, quiet, and durable) * Easy to mount wall bracket for a wall built in the package, 1.5 m cable outlet * Small size, compact * LED heat * Protection from overheating, dual electrical insulation, thermostat button that locks and rounded for safety pdoobra * Accurate thermostat easily accessible on top of convectors * The most precise mechanical thermostat (gas pressure) checks with amplitude <0.3 ° C
Category:Home Heaters , Floor Heating Systems & Parts
Availability:In Stock
Seller:Graniterm engineering
Place of Origin:Denmark
Warranty:2 years
company profile
Graniterm engineering
- Company introduction:Гранитерм инженеринг е компанија специјализирана за електрично греење, заштита од мраз, топење снег, индустриски греења и третман на вода- филтри , јонизатори.
- Contact Person Name:Живко
- Address:бул.Јане Сандански 7 лок.17 ТЦ ТРИ БИСЕРИ Аеродром
- Post Code:1000
- City:Skopje , Macedonia
- Telephone #: : Click here to see the phone number
- Geo Location:Show
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