Refractokeratometer Visionix L67
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product description
Product Description: Measurement screen: Quick & easy measurement with an ergonomic & intuitive screen. Peripheral keratometry measurement data – invaluable for fitting contact lenses. Graphical display of refraction map: The graphical display of refraction errors enhances patient’ understanding and reliability. Retro-illumination mode: Abnormal crystalline lenses, cataracts, and corneas scratches can all be seen; helping to determine the health of the patients’ eyes. In additional to normal mode, with increased REF power, Sph, Cyl & Axis can also be checked. Pupil and iris measurements: The L67 can measure pupil, cornea, and iris size under 14mm in diameter by freezing the image. High speed printer: Different printing modes, from simple to more detailed (diagram of the eye resulting cylinder ...). Measurement modes: Continuous Keratometry & Refractometry, Refractometry, Keratometry & Contact Lens Base Curve Measurement.
Availability:On Order
Seller:Braner Bross
Place of Origin:France
Warranty:2 years
Minimum Order Quantity:1
company profile
Braner Bross
- Company introduction:Бранер Бросс-дооел е овластен дистрибутер и сервисер за специјализирана опрема за оптики и офталмолошки кабинети. Се бавиме со увоз, трговија, обука за работа и сервис на производи од областа на оптика , офталмологија и оптометрија. Денес на македонскиот пазар ексклузивно Ви ги нудиме: Briot Weco, Visionix, Takubomatic, Ion Vision, Lightmed Corporation, лидери на пазарот во својата област кои гарантираат со својот квалитет и сигурност при професионалната работа. Повеќе информации можете да најдете на:
- Contact Person Name:Иван Андреески
- Address:М.Тито 71
- Post Code:6330
- Cell Phone #: : Click here to see the phone number
- Telephone #: : Click here to see the phone number
- Year registered:2002
- Geo Location:Show
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