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Apparatus for testing the heart Case Premium Stress

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product description
  • Product Description:Cardiac stress test (or heart diagnostic test) is a test used in medicine and cardiology to measure the heart's ability to respond to external stress in a controlled clinical environment. This test can be used to diagnose ischemic heart disease, and the prognosis of patients after a heart attack (myocardial infarction).
  • Availability:Contact
  • company profile

    Net elektronics

    • Company introduction:The company NET ELEKTRONIKS DOOEL Skopje is founded in 1993. The core business of the company is sale and service of medical appliances from the program of GE Healthcare, worldwide leader in this area, as well as endoscopy appliances and instruments from the renowned German manufacturer. The leading idea of GE HEALTHCARE, as the biggest and most widespread manufacturer of medical equipment is the following: „With our scientific and technological achievements, as well as massive experience from the area of the radiology and information technologies, the medical diagnostics, the systems for monitoring of patients as well as the other solutions and services we help the client to offer a better care to many people around the world at the lowest price. At the same time as partners with the health organizations, we strive to affect the global changes in the public health, which are necessary for conducting a successful transfer to sustainable health system. Our work is focused on continuous development of innovations which cut the costs, increase the approach and the quality of the services around the world.“ NET ELEKTRONIKS DOOEL Skopje offers the complete range of medical equipment from the manufacturer GE Healthcare: ECG monitors, ABP and ECG Holters, patient monitors, incubators, stress test systems, echo machines, anesthesia appliances, fans, densitometer, conventional x-ray equipment, angiograph, computer tomography, magnetic resonance and others as well as the complete range of appliances and instruments for endoscopy by Richard Wolf, such as: endoscopic cameras, and laparo suction pumps, cold light source, endoscopic instruments, etc. If you are interested in some of the above mentioned appliances and equipments, if you want to find out more about it and what fits your needs the most, here is the team of experts, which with the help of their knowledge and long years of experience will help you make the right decision.
    • Contact Person Name:Јасмина
    • Address:Скупи 55
    • Post Code:1000
    • City:Skopje , Macedonia
    • Geo Location:Show
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