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Изнајмување на навлаки за столици со декорации за сите видови свечености

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product description
  • Product Description:Изнајмување на навлаки за столици со декорација за свадби и други свечености со декорација за само 1 евро. Избор на декорација по желба. Пр. Тул, органтин, сатен, цветови, машна и слично.
  • company profile

    Nena dekoracii

    • Company introduction:Nena decorations works since 2008 with core business, handiwork of decoctions from different materials for different purposes. We execute all types of decoration for: - WEDDINGS (bridal candies, wheat with coin, decorations, corsages, wreaths in all shapes, wedding rings pillow, wedding bouquets artificial with pearls and zircons, covers for chairs with bows) - NEW YEARS (wreaths, table cloths and bags made out of sateen, textile, hemp, flower arrangements, natural and artificial) - EASTER (wreaths, table cloths, eggs baskets, wheat in pots) - 8th of March (scarf’s in all sizes, jewelry boxes made out of plush and textile, rose broach) - DIFFERENT CELEBRATIONS (napkin rings, bottle covers, table cloths made out of different materials, chandeliers, glass bowls in all shapes and sizes, different hanging flowers) We execute different shapes of boxes for packages and bottles, dolls in traditional wear.
    • Contact Person Name:Снежана
    • Address:Булевар Партизански Одреди 153, Скопје 1000
    • Post Code:Скопје
    • City:Skopje , Macedonia
    • Cell Phone #:075/247194
    • Telephone #:02/2037681
    • Geo Location:Show


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