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product description
  • Product Description:Стол CLARA со димензии: 52 X 60 X 91цм
    Материјал: екокожа
    Боја по избор: бела, црна, крем и кафена
    Цената за еден стол изнесува 359 EUR со попуст од -20% 287 EUR
  • Availability:Contact
  • Seller:Montenegro
  • company profile


    • Company introduction:Montenegro is a private equity company based in Gostivar, which successfully operates on the Macedonian market already 24 years. Its beginning dates back to the year 1963 . as a small manufacturing company with headquarters in the Republic. Montenegro (hence receives the name Montenegro). The primary activity is trade with exclusive Italian furniture and a general and exclusive representative of more renowned Italian furniture manufacturers that offers the opportunity to equip the interiors of different character: houses, offices, coffee bars, restaurants, hotels and more. ARAN, NEWFORM, MAXDIVANI, CALIAITALIA, EUROPEO, TONIN CASA, BONTEMPI, SEDIT, HOMES, TOMASELLA, TONON and many others confided to us their representation and precisely chosen us as their agent on the market. Check out why, go ahead visit our showroom in Skopje and Gostivar.
    • Contact Person Name:Иван
    • Address:Антон Попов бр.1(Огњан Прица)
    • Post Code:1000
    • City:Skopje , Macedonia
    • Geo Location:Show
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