Puff pastry of spinach 1kg.
- product description
- company profile
product description
Product Description:We offer 4 types of puff pastry: puff pastry of cheese, puff pastry of spinach, puff pastry of ham and cheese and puff pastry of jam. In just 20min. it will fully meet your requirements for easy and quick tasty meal.
Category:Baked Goods
Seller:Ruse komerc
Place of Origin:Macedonia
Wholesale Price - VAT Excluded:140 MKD
Minimum Order Quantity:10
company profile
Ruse komerc
- Company introduction:Ruse Komerc is a private company that has been existing since 1990 and has been dealing with trade and distribution of products and services. Our business is divided into several segments: - Sale of food products in retail (Ruse Market) - Sale and distribution of Preferita products in the Republic of Macedonia - Distribution of insulating panel, sheet metal , stainless materials and profiles of CORUS-Greece - Sale of the tires "Double Coin" at the territory of the Republic of Macedonia. - As shareholders in factory 7th November, we offer sale and distribution of the entire production program (products such as PVC fittings, crate, buckets ....) We have a daughter-company Preferita, manufacturer of pastry products (strudel leaves, puff pastry, pie, dough for pizza) We own coolers for storage of Preferita products with capacity of 500 tons and more, and another storage facility of over 4000 m². We own a transport place for distribution of products across all cities in the country.
- Contact Person Name:Весна
- Address:ул. Воденска бр.9
- Post Code:1480
- City:Gevgelija , Macedonia
- Cell Phone #: : Click here to see the phone number
- Telephone #: : Click here to see the phone number
- Geo Location:Show
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