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Пречистителни станици за отпадни води

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product description
  • Product Description:Fluid Project is a company that offers complete services in the field of water treatment and environmental technologies. In our work is vploteno overall experience and knowledge of our team gained in the construction of various types of facilities for water treatment. With our professional staff and equipment is ready we are to meet the all kinds of tasks and challenges placed before us by the customer.In category treatment plants for waste water include: - Facilities for treatment of municipal waste water from residential buildings houses, settlements and villages; - Plants for the treatment of waste water from commercial buildings, hotels, motels, restaurants and canteens; - Plants for the treatment of industrial waste water: oil refineries, dairy, meat and textile industries.
  • Availability:Contact
  • Place of Origin:Macedonia
  • Warranty:2 years
  • company profile

    Fluid proekt

    • Company introduction:Fluid Proect is a private company, which is the only company working in the field of treatment of drinking water and sewage, environment protection and underwater research. The company was founded in 1992, and its pioneering strides in research and development activities in these areas, are from 1983. Fluid Project is specialized in design and optimization of processes, technologies and equipment for water treatment. It is committed to the process of finding and implementing solutions that establish a balance between the interests of our customers and the environment. Water Softening Chlorination and ozonation GMP Certification Purification of waste water Filters for home use
    • Contact Person Name:Александар
    • Address:бул.Србија 9
    • Post Code:1000
    • City:Skopje , Macedonia
    • Geo Location:Show
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