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Waste selection and transfer centers

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product description
  • Product Description:Selection of useable samples from communal waste at his place of disposing / prime selection, contributes for quality of urban leaving, reducing of total quantity, brings economical / financial benefits and increase responsibility and conscience of those who create waste as a service teams. In function for integrate communal waste managing, present reloaded stations the locations where are posted, are useable as permanent transfer centers / recycling yards or gathering centers for reloading of communal waste. Transfer centers should be posted in each Municipality at City Skopje. Present situation for communal waste treatment represents partial prime selection / PET packing, paper, cardboard and tin cans / in smaller part of the City with symbolic quantity of improvised permanent reloading stations / transfer centers in Karpos and Vardariste. The transfer center in Karpos maintains the territory of City Skopje for PET packaging, paper, cardboard and tin cans. Manager team of PE “Communal hygiene” is necessary to offer system for waste selective collecting / prime selection / in accordance with the system from recycling yards / transfer centers. Have on mind world experience, organization-technical requirements, economical improvement, and specifics of urban leaving in Skopje e.t.c. as most functional model for prime selection of communal waste is offering his separation of dry fraction / overcome waste from packing / and wet fraction / overcome the bio waste/ pointing to dry wet communal waste correspondence not only with European experience and also with our Legal regulative.
  • Availability:Contact
  • company profile

    Communal Hygiene-Skopje

    • Company introduction:PE “Communal hygiene” – Skopje, which founder is City Skopje, one of the biggest communal Enterprises in Republic of Macedonia. In hundred years existing and contribution, PE “Communal hygiene” taking successfully care for public hygiene at the City Skopje area. In the Enterprise are employed thousand of employees and operate with over 130 special communal vehicles for collecting and transporting communal waste, including other additional activities in the Enterprise. Developing with modern technology, well organized, efficient, with responsibility and discipline, PE “Communal hygiene” becomes the leader in communal activities in the Country.
    • Contact Person Name:Contact telephone
    • Address:Ilinden 1
    • Post Code:1000
    • City:Skopje , Macedonia
    • Geo Location:Show
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