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Waste containers type EC-1.1

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product description
  • Product Description:Garbage containers type ЕК-1.1 are mattle of high steel lattice sheet ST-0147 (0146) with thickness of 1,5mm. After being formed the container elements are exposed to hot dip galvanization. Surface protection like this offers a good aesthetic view and a long life-time as well. The advantage of the containers type EK-1.1 relating to other garbage containers is as follows: - Productivity when loading and unloading the garbage is four times bigger then with the conventional containers. - The same work can be done with less number of vehicles (e.g. in areas where the garbage is put in bags or cans will be needed only one vehicle and three laborers instead of two vehicles and fourteen laborers) - During the work laborers are not exposed to physical work, dust stench and infections. Its brakes enable desited fixing on a certain place. The cover of the container has automatic spring which closes it and does not allow spreading of bad smells in the environment nearby. Whit its aesthetic view and handling characteristics this container fits into all urban environments. *Technical data: - Volume: 1.1m3 - Width: 1030mm - Length: 1370mm - Height: 1408mm - Wheel (total): 4 - Braking Wheels: 2
  • Availability:Contact
  • company profile

    M.z.k.Metalna Andonov

    • Company introduction:MZK - Metalna Andonov produces waste containers, cranes, agricultural machinery, irrigation equipment and other metal products.
    • Contact Person Name:Сузана
    • Address:Партизанска 52А локал 31
    • Post Code:2000
    • City:Stip , Macedonia
    • Geo Location:Show
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