Video shoulder support Foton ‘Neon Pro M DSLR’
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product description
Product Description:Тhe Foton ‘Neon Pro M DSLR’ is a versatile video shoulder support designed to work with a wide range of DSLR cameras and Camcorders.
The Neon Pro M DSLR is equiped with a Manfrotto Quick Release System with a 501PL plate.
Manufactured from lightweight aluminium and featuring twin padded shoulder rests for complete hands free operation if required. The Neon Pro M DSLR is fully adjustable via a sliding camera bracket with a new camera mount and a Manfrotto 501PL quick release plate.
Additional stability in use is achieved via a (removeable) telescopic support arm at the front. This can be adjusted to any angle and folds flat for easy storage in the provided carry bag.
Twin 15mm rails allow the easy mounting of standard accessories such as follow focus or a matte box.
The camera mount can be moved to different positions and there are two accessory slots for mounting lights, microphones etc.
Weighing only 2.6kg, The Neon Pro M DSLR provides the videographer with a highly stable platform suitable for a variety of video applications.
The Neon Pro M DSLR is equiped with a Manfrotto Quick Release System with a 501PL plate.
Manufactured from lightweight aluminium and featuring twin padded shoulder rests for complete hands free operation if required. The Neon Pro M DSLR is fully adjustable via a sliding camera bracket with a new camera mount and a Manfrotto 501PL quick release plate.
Additional stability in use is achieved via a (removeable) telescopic support arm at the front. This can be adjusted to any angle and folds flat for easy storage in the provided carry bag.
Twin 15mm rails allow the easy mounting of standard accessories such as follow focus or a matte box.
The camera mount can be moved to different positions and there are two accessory slots for mounting lights, microphones etc.
Weighing only 2.6kg, The Neon Pro M DSLR provides the videographer with a highly stable platform suitable for a variety of video applications.
Category:Professional Audio, Video & Lighting
Seller:Panter faks
company profile
Panter faks
- Company introduction:Пантерфакс е фирма која е основана 1996 година чија дејност е трговија со видео и аудио опрема. Се вбројуваме меѓу најуспешните во областа на електронската заштита. Денес во современиот свет на живеење им помагаме на нашите потрошувачи и клиенти на поедноставен и полесен начин да дојдат до реализација на своите потреби од областа на: - аудио-видео надзор, - хардвер и софтвер, - медии и потрошен матерјал, - осветлување (рефлектори), комплетна опрема за работа на продукции и ТВ куќи. Исто така поседуваме богата палета на машини за броење на банкноти, монети и детектори за пари. Пантерфакс е сертифициран овластен дистрибутер на повеќето брендови кои ги увезува.
- Contact Person Name:Пантер факс
- Address:Живко Чинго 4 ( до ресторан Скопски мерак)
- Post Code:1000
- City:Skopje , Macedonia
- Cell Phone #: : Click here to see the phone number
- Telephone #: : Click here to see the phone number
- Year registered:1996
- Total employees:5
- Geo Location:Show
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